Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Makeup Bargain Alert!!!!!

All hail to Kelie!!!!! She has found a KILLER deal at Kohls for a limited time makeup set. It is $25 for the whole thing and has quite a few colors. Kelie brings up a common problem:

I have been following your blog for a month or so now and I love it. I have tried a few of the tutorials and I really like it, my only problem is the whole color issue. I don't have a whole lot of them in any brand so I have been using what I have. It is still fun. I found a little secret that I am going to check out and most likely buy. It is at Kohls so people can buy in the store or online. I thought it might help you with telling us what colors to use or even so more of us will have the colors you use. I love your blog and hope this will help.

Go get it ladies!!!! This is a steal and will give you many of the colors you need for tutorials and is a great way to start or enhance your makeup collection on a budget!!!!

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