Monday, 20 April 2009

1950's pinup

Instead of resting up today because I'm sick, I joined Sabrina's 1950's pinup look contest. I couldn't help it, I was bored so I just did my best! I even tried to curl my hair but...alas, teh hair would not cooperate. :/ Pff.

I used:
Face The Face Shop makeup primer in green, Ellana intense coverage foundation in hazelnut latte, Ellana finishing powder in espresso con panna, Ellana blush in lust, ELF blush in glow, Aziza blush duo for highlight

Eyes PAC palette (gold, brown and black), MAC Bagatelle e/s, Elianto shimmer e/s in Ivory, Aido shimmer/glitter powder in gold, ELF brightening eyeliner in black, Elianto stay-on eyeliner in black, no-brand false eyelashes, Aido eye putty (for lash glue), Cinema Secrets mascara

Lips Revlon lipstick in Copperglaze Brown

Please ignore the splotchiness of my skin, it's my skin asthma acting up.

I know the blush looks uneven here, but I swear it's because I had a lamp coming from the other side so it caught the shimmer and made the pink disappear. O_O

Why yes, I did dress up for this!

Look, falsies! I'm so proud of myself, it only took me one try this time!! I'm starting to love falsies...I think I'm gonna get more. :D

Here I tried a few pinup poses but they didn't really work out -- hey, it's hard to take pictures on tripod you know! Plus it was so hot, I was sweating my makeup off! Not to mention I'm sick.

I know, I need to lose some weight :(

I hope you liked it! :D I had fun.

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