Monday, 15 November 2010

This Makeup Junkie Gets Real...

I don't know if it's the time we're living in but everyone I know is going through something. In the last few weeks, I've heard it all from relationships crapping out, to losing out on job opportunities, to not feeling recognized. Through all this negativity I've witnessed my blogger and Twitter friends, some I've only known for less than a year, swoop in to save the day. Some gestures are big and some are small but nonetheless, these gestures have brought much needed positivity to whatever the situation is. I think it's pretty amazing. 

I really love being apart of a community that I share and have so much in common with. We go about our days, blogging away, not really grasping what we really are to each other. We can be so focused on numbers, beauty reviews, and events that sometimes we forget to take time getting to know the person behind the blog or brand. When we think of the perks of being a popular blogger, we think of free beauty products and exclusive event invites. But the true perks are connecting with other people on-line and in person.

I've always been a pretty positive person and not just because my name is Joy. Like everyone, I've gone through a lot of struggles so to get through life being positive is my only option (plus my son and hubs are so darn hilarious it's hard to stay sad). I always try to help or promote people wherever I can and even when it bites me in the butt, I try not to get jaded. Some may take my niceness as naivety or ass-kissing, but it's genuine. That's just who I am and I'm not going to apologize for it (ironic because I always say "sorry" - guess that's just the Canadian in me eh?). I've had those moments - and I'm sure you have too - when I feel like I've given all I can (especially if you're a parent!) and I just want to say "screw them!". Then it just starts to eat at me, because if you can help someone why wouldn't you? I'm not saying to not be cautious because there are some people that just want to use and abuse you. But if you really want to come out on top, be honest. The same goes for helping others - don't do it to get something in return.

Anyways, I'm going off on a tangent now! With so many social media platforms like Twitter & Facebook, trying to make it as a makeup artist or blogger (or whatever your career is) is a hustle and highly competitive. If you're a new blogger or makeup artist, don't let the growing numbers of either industry scare you off or keep you down. If you are a talented makeup artist and work hard at your craft, you will get noticed and succeed! The same goes for bloggers - try not to worry about numbers or let jealousy take over you (that goes for personal life too). Keep doing what you're doing and the opportunities will come. Write what you're passionate about and do it because you really love it - not because you want free products, to be famous, or go to cool events. What's great about the blogosphere is that each blog(ger) is unique and translates to each person in a different way. You can't win 'em all and not everyone will like you but that's life. The internet universe is pretty roomy so there's lots of space! 

What compelled me to write such a long, sometimes cheesy, maybe overly dramatic post (hey- I can say whatever I want. It's my blog! lol)? When I needed to vent, a few special peeps (you guys know who you are!) brightened my day. A comment that almost brought me to tears (or I'm pms'ing majorly) was when one mentioned that I helped her out this week and she wanted to return the love! My gesture was small I thought, but I never realized how much it meant to her. It's that moment I realized why helping others is worth it! You just never know when you'll change someone's life big or small, so don't forget to check in once in a while and show some love to your fellow bloggers, friends, and family (even when he/she doesn't deserve it! lol). And remember, rise above all the negativity and be the bigger person! And more great advice I got from another special peep - use the negativity as fuel to get where you want in life because that is the best revenge!

At the end of the day, it's not our jobs or our blogs that define who we are. It's how we do it. And I'm done. Thanks for listening! xo

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