Wednesday, 15 December 2010

12 Days of Holiday Beauty: Jewel-Toned Eyes!

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I love the holidays because colours around this time are so rich and decadent. You’ll notice a lot of colours dominating shadow palettes this season are jewel tones in blue, purple, gold, and emerald. If you’re still on the fence about wearing colour on the eyes, just go with it and have fun!

The key to working jewel tones is to stick to a shade that compliments and enhances your eye colour. Once you see how much the complimentary shade brings out your eyes, the less uncomfortable you’ll feel wearing colour on the eyes.
  • Brown Eyes can pretty much wear any shade. Purple, green, navy blue, and gold all make brown eyes pop.
  • Green or Hazel Eyes: Plum, peach, purple, gold and bronze hues
  • Blue Eyes: Brown, peach, bronze, gold, silver, grey, purple, black
Add a darker shade in the outer crease to give it a sexy, smoky effect. For some fun and sparkle, add a glittery liner to the lash line. Don’t forget to add lots of mascara to make those lashes stand out! Keep the cheeks and lips more muted so that the eyes can be the focus.

What do you think of jewel tones on the eyes?

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