Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Makeup group on Facebook?

Hey guys, I just have a quick question I was hoping you all could help me with!
I often see bloggers mention Facebook makeup groups they're a part of, and I was wondering if any of you could suggest a good one for me to join? I've tried other makeup communities such as message boards and stuff, but truth be told, I just never get around to checking-in much after joining; the sites are usually just too out-of-the-way. Not to mention, most communities I'm a part of actually have so many rules about what you can and cannot post, brand affiliations, etc, that they're just not a very practical or fun place for a person who loves all kinds of makeup-related stuff like me. :(

Facebook would be perfect since I spend so much time on there anyway, so if any of you know of an awesome, active, group that welcomes new members, I'd love to join! I need somewhere interactive where I can talk about makeup, share tips and reviews on products, post photos, looks, blog links, and basically just go to town, lol.

Any recommendations would be welcome! Thanks in advance, hope you guys are enjoying your Wednesday! ;)

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