Wednesday, 15 February 2012

And The Winner Is.........

 Thank you all so much for entering the Valentine Contest! It was sooo great to see you and all of your valentines =). I love this picture, it makes me giggle =). Did you have a fabulous day yesterday? My hubby and I went out with his sister and her husband and had such a lovely evening. We belong to a church that has temples and they are just the best places in the whole world! We went there first to do some service then went out for sushi. We ended up eating with the owner and left paying next to nothing for AMAZING food and coupons for next time. If any of you find yourselves in Lehi, Utah you MUST stop by Tokyo and tell em Jen from Classy Cosmetics sent ya ; ). Okay, ENOUGH about me, I'm sure you want to know who the winner is!!! The winner is Sadia, *yay you ; )*. She writes:

"I want this book because I love make up, but I get stuck in a rut way too often!! I'd love to learn new styles and techniques from Making Faces, and I hope it'll give me some inspiration to branch out and make my own style. I shot you the email, liked you on FB, and am following your blog, so I'm crossing my fingers that I'll win!! :) Thank you!"

And here she is with her sweetheart:
I'm so excited to send you this book and have you love it as much as I do =). I will email you today to get all of your information. If I don't hear back within 48 hours I will choose another winner. Thanks again everybody who entered. What did you do for Valentine's Day? Share!!! Also, don't forget to enter our other giveaway going on NOW!!!

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