Tuesday, 17 April 2012

VOTE!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!

 OH MY WORD!!!!!!! I have to tell you about the sweetest most AMAZING girl that I know!!!!!! This is Amy. I met her when my husband and I were dating and I instantly fell in love with her! She is so happy, optimistic, selfless, caring. ambitious and just an all around good person. I know we would all say that there was just no one worthy of her and sadly she would have to settle and go out with awful people who just would break her poor heart. One boy that she had dated for 6 years and waited for for TWO years on his mission finally came home, met her roommate and fell in love with HER! Can you even imagine? She NEVER faltered in her optimism though!!! She knew that her father in Heaven would provide if she would just stick it out and do what was right. I was able to serve a mission for my church out in Siberia and I think one of the BIGGEST compliments I have EVER gotten were when two girls (one of them being Amy) told me that my testimony of my Savior when I returned was the reason they decided to serve. It always brings me to tears when I think about it. Well fast forward a few years, 5 to be exact, and in walks Derek, the sweetest guy ever who has gone through his own trials. Because of health problems unknown to him he struggled with severe weight gain and depression. He was finally told he had a life threatening brain tumor. What a scary experience that must have been! I am so glad that they have found each other but due to a failed business, major medical bills and student loans they are in so much debt and can't have their fairytale wedding.
I WANT TO HELP!!!!!!!!! Would you help me help them? They have entered a contest that will give them a HUGE wedding and I can't see any other couple deserving it like they do. Will you help? Go here, watch their video at least long enough to count as a view and vote for them pleeeaaase!!! They are couple #4. Let's make their dream wedding come TRUE. You can vote using your computer, then your phone, then your iPad or whatEVER. Yay Amy and Derek!!!

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