Saturday, 25 August 2012

My Week In Photos

Where did I go right? I made all these changes and then just disappeared. I tend to bounce around from one thing to another and it's quite possible I should have been diagnosed with ADD as a kid. My kids keep me busy and when I'm not being a mom, I'm working at my career always trying to better myself and exercise my creativity.

Here's what this Makeup Junkie has been up to over the last two weeks and it's only going to get busier with more photo shoots (including a BIG one that I have to keep on the DL for now), weddings and events like the Toronto International Film Fest! It's the last week of summer - boohoo - so get out there and enjoy it!

My beautiful client and hair stylist, Eva Therese! I did her makeup for her uber sexy shoot! Photo taken by the talented Cynthia Bugala.

This gorgeous bride was once a Maid-of-Honor for one of my past brides!

One of my clients and high school classmates at her bridal trial. Grace Kelly inspired!

I wrangled up my boys and went on a makeup shopping trip with my makeup artist friends, Donna Marie and Lelo, to attend Yaby Cosmetics first pop-up shop in Toronto! I got a few shadows, highlighter in Light, a freestyle palette, and a few packages of their empties and one pack of grippies. The grippies came in handy for my Shu Uemura blushes and the empties were just perfect for my lipsticks. I put them in a small Aveda freestyle palette I've had for a while. If you didn't attend, you missed out on some really great discounts! 

I'm excited to get back into doing photo shoots - my portfolio certainly needs an update! Something magical happens when you work with other creative people who share the same vision. I'm looking forward to a couple of big shoots coming up so stay tuned! I shot with up and coming photographer, Camille Rojas, and Donna Marie did the hair. I can't wait to see the finished shots! 

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