Hi there..
You may notice my blog looks a bit different. I'm attempting a long-overdue change but it's been years since I customized my blog that I've forgotten how to use the features. :(
Please be patient with me while I figure this out.
One thing in particular is seriously bothering me; I want the title text aligned in the middle but I've poked through every single customization feature at least 3 times and can't for the life of me find how to align title text. Sigh.
Please be patient with me while I figure this out.
One thing in particular is seriously bothering me; I want the title text aligned in the middle but I've poked through every single customization feature at least 3 times and can't for the life of me find how to align title text. Sigh.
Anyway, thanks for bearing with me! Hopefully I can create something clean and professional looking while keeping my personality. :)
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