Wednesday, 24 December 2008

MAC Starter Kit

First of all, Merry Christmas Eve =). I wanted to write down some things that if you are new to MAC then what you might want to look for when you go to start your collection. My MUST HAVES from MAC are: concealer, foundation and powder all in the Studio Fix. I like full coverage but you can get the mineralized powder for a more natural coverage.
Highlight Colors:
Vanilla, Naked Lunch, Mylar and for more specific looks I use Nylon or Crystal Avalanche.
Basic Needs:
Nehru, Carbon or Black Tied (blacks, Nehru=dark blue)
Embark (good for darker brows as a filler)
Blending MUSTS:
(choose one closest to your skin color)
Wedge (this is what I use most), Cork, Era, Samoa Silk or Soba
Fun Colors For Adventurers:
Chrome Yellow, Bitter and Electric Eel
Great Crease Colors (these are the ones I like and use a lot but it comes down to preference):
Humid, Trax, Deep Truth, Contrast, Coppering, and Parfait Amour.
Melon (best for blue or green eyes)
Teal (best for dark eyes)
Violet (best for dark eyes)
Remember they are best because they will make the eye pop more. I still LOVE the Melon pigment and I have dark eyes!!!
Paint Pots:
Painterly, Rubenesque, Soft Ochre or Bare Study (all neutrals). These are all for priming the lid and when you get into specific looks you can start buying different colors like blacks and greens.
This is ALL about personal preference but I would for SURE get Myth to matte your lips before any other color and if you are warmer toned, check out Jist.
Now for things that may look fun and are okay but I wouldn't recommend to start with and I kind of regret getting. You can get blush somewhere else cheaper and it's basically the same. The #190 brush for foundation. The #187 is 1000x better!!!!! Any of the shade sticks. The texture can make your eye look like a cracking desert...yuck. And no stick eyeliners even though they are super creamy, you can get them cheaper other places. I would, however get their fluid eyeliner that comes in a pot. EVERY color is amazing!!!!

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Green for Christmas

First of all did I MENTION how much I LOVE this headband?????? It has SO many possibilities and is SO much fun. I created more height in the back of my hair and it worked out fine to with the big flower. Here is another look that will be coming soon. It uses all greens and some white. I am also using a different color for my eyebrows that I like SO much more than Embark from MAC. I'll talk to you about it soon =). I used the new mascara too and I am liking it so far. It curls well and gives good volume. What do you think???? Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!

Monday, 22 December 2008

No Video But a Hot Look

So I FINALLY (with the aid of my mother-in-law) found out how to take these close up shots and will now use my OWN eyes for the looks!!!!! I am SO excited. This eye uses Nylon on the inner corner faded into Bitter then Electric Eel and finally Deep Truth on the outer V. To soften the transition from the Nylon to the Bitter I patted a little Chrome Yellow. On the brow bone I used Vanilla. On the bottom lash line I used the darkest to the lightest color starting from the outside going in. Black liner and mascara finished off the look. Try it out ladies!!!!!!

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Posts To Come...

Hey ladies. I just got some WoNdErFuL pigment colors from Beauty From the Earth and I am SO excited to get back to doing tutorials soon!!!! I spoke with the owner Crystal earlier this week and have some great things to tell you all about their company and the benefits of buying from them =). I also have new looks that I've been working on. One uses All That Glitters (a shimmery gold with pink undertones), Era (soft brown) and Deep Truth (deep navy blue). The navy on top of the brown is AWESOME!!!! Sky blue & lavender, peach & maroons. Also, some Holiday looks and New Year creations. I am also working on tutorials for doing liquid liner, working with smaller eyes, and how to apply perfect false eyelashes. Stay tuned!!!!!!

Headband HEAVEN!!!!

Okay, so right now at Forever21 you can get these amazing headbands!!! They remind me of when Gwen Stefani wore those perfect flowers in her hair to an awards show. The only catch that I have found with such an enormous flower is to match the height with your hair. It looks best when you do the retro look I showed you for Twilight. In this case I put my hair in a tight bun in the back. This headband is a MUST and I can only hope that they will come up with more colors. They have other sizes and shapes but this one was my favorite. It was $5.99 and SO worth it!!! Go and get em ladies!!!!!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Are You All Down For a Little Test?????

Okay, it is official. After hearing all of your reviews and doing some looking on the net I am OFFICIALLY going to go out and get the Voluminous mascara. I saw a review on YouTube where a girl used a really expensive brand on one eye and then the Voluminous on the other. At the end of the day (and even through out) she kept us updated on how well the two held up. Did they flake, did they weight the lashes down. From what I could see the Voluminous was BETTER!!!! She said that they were the exact same but the one side seemed to fan out more and I am for SURE a fan of that!!! Go out if you haven't already and you can do this test with me. We will start on the 22nd of December and see what we think after a week. I want to hear comments from ALL of you. If you use it now, then tell us why you are hooked and don't want to change. If not, then tell us what you are seeing good and bad from this mascara. I'm excited!!!!! Go out and get your mascara on!!!!!!

Tipsy Tuesday....just written on Wednesday =)

Moisturizer!!!!! Even if you have oily skin (like I do). Your makeup application will go more smoothly, evenly and cover better. I LoVe Mary Kay's Time Wise age fighting moisturizer. It is like a DRINK to your skin but not greasy at ALL!!!!! It's oil free and great for sensitive skin too. I can put on my makeup immediately following. Go find something that works for you and USE it!!!! If we are going to do our makeup everyday, we might as well give our skin the hydration it needs. Also doesn't hurt that it helps with the elasticity of your skin as well. This is a win win people!!!!!

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Tipsy Tuesday

Is my mascara running?????
So, you have done your eyeshadow and it is PerFectIoN!!!!! You go to apply your mascara with precision and ease when......NOOOOOOOOO. You get it all over your lid messing up the magic of the eyeshadow that was once there. Instead of totally lifting up your eyebrows and getting a headache, just tilt you head as far back as comfortable thereby separating your lashes and you gotta keep 'em separated!!!! Whoah, bad joke!!!!

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Sad News

So, my husband sold our laptop that had the camera on it. Yes this means that I can no longer do tutorials for the time being. He is trying to set up our other camera as quickly as possible!!!!! I will start doing "Tuesdays Tips"...or "Tipsy Tuesday" (as I like to think of it) and "Thrifty Thursdays" with pictures and reviews, but don't lose hope!!!!!!!! I am still here and I am still loving the fact that I get to interact and share with you =). "See" you soon!!!!!!

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Purple Tutorial...YES You Can!!!!!

This is mainly for Emily (our contest winner) and for those that feel if they wear purple, then it will look like they have two black and feel born again in your ability to wear color =).

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Hair Removal

Classy Cosmetics welcomes it's first ever guest tutorialist Jessica!!!!

Friday, 21 November 2008

Twilight Hair

Here is an idea for retro hair and what I did for the Twilight "night".

Friday, 14 November 2008

Red and Requests??

So tell me if you want me to do a tutorial on this look and leave any requests. Can I please tell you that Jessica went to go and get her makeup done by a MAC artist and I have SO much yet to learn!!!!!!!

Friday, 7 November 2008

Kohl's 40 Shadow Pallette Review

Don't you love how almost through out the whole video half of my face is chopped off??? Yeah, I'm a professional =).

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Blue & Green Tutorial

So I am a geek and throughout the tutorial I say that I am going to be using Talent Pool to join these two colors....aaaand never do =). So add the step if you must or just go with what I did. The choice is yours America =). Also I did this tutorial before the contest but just didn't post it so when I say to submit looks.....yeah, just dismiss that =).

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Some Contest Pictures

All I have to say ladies are HOT!!!!! I mean look at all of your cheek bones, first of all. Great bone structure much????? Ashley, that is the best cat eye liquid liner EVER!!!!!! Mon, quite the temptress =). Stef...your eyes look AmAzInG!!!!!!! What brand did you use???? Thank you SO much for all of the entrees. I for SURE want to see more the next contest we have. I LOVE your pictures!!! Any ideas for the next one? I am thinking every six months. What do you think?

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Jen's Britney Look

Here is one of my subscribers Jen doing the Britney tutorial. I LOVE the soft colored lip and the shape you did on your eyes is amazing. What colors did you use? Was it the Elf brand? What mascara too? Tell us, tell us!!!!! =)


Jen has brought to my attention that ELF makeup is only a buck-a-shadow!!! I did some looking and you can buy these at Big Lots...go figure, Target, and Big Kmart stores. I will be going out next week to get some and using the UDPP and some MAC paintpots to see how well they stay. If you go to their website (that I have posted on the side) you can see the many colors that they offer and at only a BUCK.... how can you go wrong??? They also have brushes that I will do a review on as well. =)

Makeup Bargain Alert!!!!!

All hail to Kelie!!!!! She has found a KILLER deal at Kohls for a limited time makeup set. It is $25 for the whole thing and has quite a few colors. Kelie brings up a common problem:

I have been following your blog for a month or so now and I love it. I have tried a few of the tutorials and I really like it, my only problem is the whole color issue. I don't have a whole lot of them in any brand so I have been using what I have. It is still fun. I found a little secret that I am going to check out and most likely buy. It is at Kohls so people can buy in the store or online. I thought it might help you with telling us what colors to use or even so more of us will have the colors you use. I love your blog and hope this will help.

Go get it ladies!!!! This is a steal and will give you many of the colors you need for tutorials and is a great way to start or enhance your makeup collection on a budget!!!!

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Contest Update!!!!!

Okay, because Halloween is on Friday and our contest is a Halloween look start submitting!!!!! Let it begin =). The first Classy Cosmetics Contest...say that five times fast....whew!!! Now those of you that know me know that I take things too hard when my expectations get the better of me. In other words, it will REALLY make me sad if I don't get any entries. I am just bubbling with excitement so send your pictures OR videos to by Thursday and we will announce our winner on Halloween!!!!! By giving me your picture, just know that it may be posted for others to enjoy. Voting is based on scientific methods, which means my 3 year old will decide....J/K. Get going, send them in, and the winner will get MAC shadows!!!!!!!!! Any Questions? =) I'm excited.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Just Wondering

Most of you have voted for a Halloween look for our contest. Unless something DRASTIC happens, that will probably be our theme..THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!!!!! Just wondering though, how many of you will actually SUBMIT a look? Picture me with my skeptical face cuz I'm a wearin it =). To submit, have a picture of your scariest, funniest, most wacky, or original Halloween face sent to Voting will then commence, and a winner will be named!!! Leave your contact info in the email so that I can call you to get your fav colors and I will award you with three MAC colors!!!!! When we get bigger as a blog we will have other companies donating prizes. Asking again.....who will submit??? =)


So remember that I LOVE craft store paint brushes? Remember how I have encouraged you ALL to go out and get Maxine's Mop? Remember how Maxine is a friend of my Mother-In-Law's? Okay, enough of the remembers...I MET HER!!!!!! Let me just say that she is spunky, fun and FaBuLoUs!!!!! She was teaching a painting workshop out where my M-I-L also teaches so I went out there...and maybe I was a geek and got her to sign my brushes....and I was able to tell her about the blog and how we all love her brushes. I made sure to only use her brushes that morning too...I really am a nerd =). She was absolutely tickled and will be visiting the blog =). Isn't she lovely?

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Easy Everyday Looks

Here are some every day, I don't have a ton of time looks. They are great for blue and green eyes and will pop on dark skin as well. Enjoy!!! I look like I'm saying, "Oh BOY!!!!!"
Colors Used:
- Rust Color
- Peach Pigment
- Cream (brow bone)
- Bronze Cream Base

Britney Spears' Slave Video Tutorial

Colors Used:
- Black
- Shimmery Teal
- Shimmery Blue
- White (brow bone)

Monday, 13 October 2008

Chanel Mascara Review

My friend Codi just sent me samples of mascaras and I started with the Chanel Intense Volume and Curl Mascara. I LOVE it!!!!! It will run you $28 so it is pricey but I am happy to say that I was able to try the trial size and will be using every OUNCE that I can. The next review will be on Lancome Volume Mascara. The search continues.....

Something New

So, I know that all of you don't buy MAC or have some of the colors. I have been building up my collection for YEARS!!!! I have some literally that date back to 1998, so please don't think that I have all the money in the world to buy them =). Something new that I decided to do for you is that at the start of each post I have put the generic colors that I used i.e pink, deep blue. That way you can pull out any brand color that you have and use it =). Hope this helps ladies!!!

Friday, 10 October 2008

Green Orchid Tutorial

Shadow Colors Used:
- Lime Green
- Wine/Plum
- Brown
- Creamy White (brow bone)

I don't care WHO you are or what eye color you have DO THIS TUTORIAL!!!!!!! I want to hear from you on this one because it is SO my fav now!!!!! I have NEVER worn a look two days in a row and this one is going on THREE. I LOOOOOVE IT!!!!!! =) The video just doesn't even do it justice. You don't have to use all MAC products but the color combo really is the key. SO pretty!!!

So the voice over cut me off right before I gave a vital detail to the look. On the brow bone all over is a touch of Vanilla but right at the arch use a couple pats of a white color to give it a pop!!! =) I used White Avalanche by MAC.

Isn't this cake gorgeous?!?!?

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Getting Perfect Skin

So, no I do NOT have perfect skin but this is how I go from AAAAAAAHHHH to, okay, not too bad.

Makeup Organization

Here is what I am going to start using to hold all of my pigments and 5 gram jars. It is a nail polish wall mount and you can mount it any where you do your makeup!!!! How hot and organized is that?????

Has anyone else's child started the "fake" cry/whine? Kayson uses it ALL the time now, so this is me getting just a bit annoyed with him using it for the 17th time that day =). He's laying and lamenting under my chair.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008


So what do you guys think about a contest with the prize being free makeup? Should it be a Halloween theme? Doing your own take on one of the tutorials? Craziest, funniest or best makeup? Let's put it to a vote. I think that it would be SO fun so I vote YES!!!!!! =) What would you guys like to do? If you have done the looks email me pictures!!!!!! Take pictures of what you have gotten and give a review and I'll post you on here. Let's get everybody involved here ladies =). Have a great day!!!!!

Friday, 3 October 2008


I know I look scary =) and it's taken me a while to get this one done but here it is, after many requests...eyebrows...hope you're not disappointed =).

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Happy Fall!!!!!

This is my FaVoRiTe time of year and I am SO excited for all of the leaves, decorations, smells, weather and the overall feeling of fall. I am still wondering what to be for Halloween but I know that one year, at least, I want to incorporate something like this mask. How awesome would it be to create this look and have something romantic, whispy, feathery, fringy, or frilly and soft to go with it? What are your thoughts and ideas?

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


Okay, could you not???? No one wants to look like this or more impotantly AT this. Sometimes I get sad that I don't fit into the sizes that I used to. Even at a non teeny-bopper store I'll pick up the size that I am accustomed to wearing only to find it extremely snug (if I can even get them on). I know it shouldn't make me sad to go up a size but sometimes it does. Well now I have a treatise on this up sizing effect (as it will now be known)......I AM OKAY, I AM STILL PRETTY and by golly if I have to go up a size just to make it look that much better on my body I WILL!!!!! Let's just say it over and over to ourselves when we're having trouble. Who cares what size you wear right? It's all about how flattering it makes your body look. And who cares if something is in or out of style, if it looks good on you and you can pull it off then ROCK IT!!!!!!!! Sorry, this picture seemed to have brought up some unresolved conflicts in my mind. =) You guys are BeAuTiFuL!!!!!!!

Pictures, Pictures!!!

If you guys do any of the looks, try some of the tricks or want to show us what you bought (i.e brushes) and what you think, send me pictures at and I will post your "look" or review of whatever you got!!!!! Maybe soon we will do a contest and the prize will be free makeup!!!! What do you think?