Thursday, 3 May 2012

Day 32: NYX "Baby Blue" JEP swatch

 Day 32: It's my Mom's birthday today and we spent the day hanging out with her, so tonight's post is just a quickie: here's a few pics of NYX Jumbo Eye pencil in Baby Blue! My friend V. over at Gone2rehabBRB was recently professing her love for baby blue as an accent color in eye looks, and I have to agree with her sentiments! Baby blue is a color I love to use on my inner corner or lower lashline especially, but it can be hard to make the color really pop. I've wanted this pencil for a while since I don't have any baby blue bases  I thought this pencil would make a good base for a baby blue shadow as an accent :D
(Click the picture to see the true color.) You can see it's a pale, almost silvery baby blue color with a little frostiness to it. Very pretty and delicate color. :)
I wish it was matte but hey, beggars can't be choosers ;P
Thanks for reading and enjoy the pics ;)

Also check out these other lovely bloggers who are part of the 90 Day Challenge --->

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