Hey guys, happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far :) I'll be without internet access until after the holiday but I just wanted to plug again about my entry in the Makeupbee contest. ;)
First of all, thank you so much to every single person who has voted for me; I've never made it this far in one of these contests and I owe it all to you guys. I'm so grateful for your support and even if I don't place, I'm amazed to have gotten as far as this so THANK YOU!<33
The contest still has a little over a week to go and then the top 10 looks will be judged by OCC and 3 winners will be chosen. I'd love to keep my place so I have a chance at getting in the judging round; I could use a few more votes which is why I'm posting this, in case I missed any of you ;)
I hate feeling like I'm bugging people by promoting this so much, but.. just to have made it this far I feel like I could go even further with your support. I'm really excited to see the outcome!!
Thank you guys and please have a safe holiday weekend!<33
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