Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Some vacation looks

Hey guys, it's been a while! I've been on a sort of unofficial hiatus because my computer is broken every other day so posting has been almost impossible lol. Anyway, I just got back from a nice beach vacation so I thought I'd share the handful of looks I did on the trip. They're simpler and more wearable than some of the looks I usually post but I tried to balance it out by making them nice and colorful :) I used very few products and all shadows are from BFTE Cosmetics. If you'd like to see the details, keep reading! And don't forget to click the pics to view larger sizes.

 This was the first look I did, I call it Purple Pop because I could not think of a good name that didn't sound cheesey. I wanted purple to go with my magenta shirt; I don't know how that goes together but in my mind at the time, it did. ;P

-Primer: Lime Crime Eyeshadow Helper
-Base: Urban Decay "Ransom" pencil (creased badly!)
-Lid: Grape
-Crease and lower lashline: Sycamore

-Highlight(s): Whisper (tearduct) and Butt Naked (browbone)
-Liner: Urban Decay Zero or Perversion pencil, forget which..
-Mascara: Cover Girl Lash Perfection

I wear this look often when I want color but nothing too OTT. I'm in love with Sycamore, it's such a pretty brown but it also has a little mauve or purple or pink undertone to it. I don't recommend using the purple pencil as a base, there was barely any makeup left on my lid by the end of the day. Horrifying!

 I call this one Antique Green, another super simple look. I only took about 4 pictures and this was the only one that wasn't blurry.

-Primer/Base: Lime Crime Eyeshadow Helper
-Lid: Orionis (entire lid), Sassafras (inner half)
-Crease: Canyon

-Highlight(s): Butt Naked
-Liner(s): Sephora Liner Electro in Khaki Electro (line lid and deepen crease) and Urban Decay -Perversion (upper tightline)
-Mascara: Maybelline Mega Plush in Deepest Black
Green is my fall-back color. (In my mind green is a neutral, lol.) I'm IN LOVE wish Sassafras and I wish I could have gotten the Fall collection just to have a full jar of this. it's the perfect shade of goldish-green, or maybe it's a greenish-gold... either way, it's my perfect shade and I know I'll be using this baggie up quickly. :(
I bought a new mascara at Walmart the day before and used it in this look; it's the newish Maybelline Mega Plush which was recommended by several makeup friends and so far I really like it!

 I call this look Golden Amber. I wanted something neutral since I didn't know what I'd be wearing that day, and also there was a possibility of going out to dinner so I wanted something that would look good with different outfits. In short, I wanted something neutral, but of course I always go for a neutral color rather than browns or blacks, etc.

-Primer and base: Lime Crime Eyeshadow Helper
-Lid: Amber (entire lid), Bubbly (over Amber), Ornamental (crease, tearduct and inner third).
-Highlight: Butt Naked
-Liner: Urban Decay Perversion pencil (lid winged out and tightlined with brush)
-Mascara: Maybelline Mega Plush in Deepest Black.

I ended up wearing this look all afternoon on the beach and then out to dinner so there were indeed several changes of attire involved. ;)

This was my favorite of the bunch; I'd had this look in mind for weeks beforehand and even had a name picked out. I call it Avocado Melon :D

-Lid: Treason (outer half), Sassafras (inner half)
-Crease: Melon
-Highlights: Ornamental (tearduct and over Melon), Butt Naked (browbone)
-Liner: MAC Blacktrack Fluidline (winged out on lid and tightlined between lashes)
-Mascara: Maybelline Mega Plush in Deepest Black.
 When my sister saw me she asked if I was wearing false lashes and I had the pleasure of telling her I wasn't. :) I'm so glad I waited to do this look until I had Sassafras because it truly was perfect. I love how this turned out and I'll definitely be doing it again.

So there you have it! Simple and colorful looks that are wearable for whatever. The primer helped them to last until I took it off at night with minimal fading/creasing. (Except the purple look but that was the pencil's fault.) I kept everything else very light, using nothing on my brows and just chapstick/gloss on my lips. On my skin I used mark. face primer, Maybelline Dream Foam, and mark. Powder Buff. No blush since my face was kind of red and broken out. :( That being the case, and since pictures amplify redness/blemishes, I did touch up the pics a bit so my skin wasn't distracting too much from the eye makeup which was really the focus. I wasn't gifted with perfect skin and I hate caking on a pound of product just to make it look normal when I can just use a program to adjust the photos a bit. Don't worry about my pics looking fake though, there's still plenty of pores and pimples to prove they're real lol. ;)
Anyway, hope you enjoyed seeing these looks! I'm going to try and do makeup more often so if there's anything you want to see, please let me know in a comment. 
Thanks for reading!

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